
Térítésmentes művészetpedagógia képzés Nagy-Britanniában – jelentkezz március 30-ig!

Felhívás ifjúságsegítőknek, tanároknak, facilitátoroknak

Creative Youthwork Network – Az Erasmus+ támogatásával

A CYN projekt keretein belül a Nyitott Kör Egyesület egy inspiráló és izgalmas, térítésmentes, 21 napos workshop sorozatot kínál Wolverhamptonban (UK) ifjúságsegítőknek, tanároknak, fiatalokkal foglalkozó szakembereknek, akik a művészetpedagógia iránt érdeklődnek és a tanultakat hasznosítanák csoportjaikban.

A tréningen a résztvevők a média és a művészetek alkalmazásáról szerezhetnek mélyebb tudást, illetve facilitátori készségeiket fejleszthetik az alábbi területeken:

  • drámapedagógia;
  • rádiózás a pedagógia munkában;
  • fotózás a pedagógia munkában;
  • zene alkalmazása a pedagógia munkában.

A tréning időpontja:

2017. június 3-24

(végleges dátum, a tréning napokon a részvétel elengedhetetlen)



A résztvevők utazása, szállása és étkezése az Erasmus+ pályázati keretből biztosított.


  • az angol nyelv munkanyelvként való használata
  • közép vagy felsőfokú végzettség
  • tehetséggondozásban, csoportvezetésben, workshop facilitálásban szerzett tapasztalat
  • érdeklődés a művészetpedagógiai módszerek iránt
  • motiváció a tanultak alkalmazására és megvalósítására fiatalokkal (13-30 éves) 2018. áprilisig (tréning vagy workshop sorozat formájában)
  • előny: a jelentkező jelenleg is vezet 13-30 éves fiatalokból álló csoportot


További információk:


for participation of youth workers in the training

in scope of the project CREATIVE YOUTHWORK NETWORK (CYN)
What is the project about?

The CYN project is an Erasmus+ funded project, which seeks to develop workshop designs and facilitation skills of youth workers so that they can design and facilitate media and arts themed workshops for and with young people. The project is jointly implemented by Nyitott Kör Egyesület – Open Circle Association (HU), Regional Development Agency Međimurje REDEA (CRO), Gecko Programmes ltd. (UK), Wolwerhampton Community Radio Training (UK), and EDUcentrum o.s. (CZ).

What do we offer?

Free training opportunity in the UK for youth workers! Stimulating and exciting series of workshops for youth workers that will develop their capacity to design, resource, facilitate media and arts themed workshops about:

  • Facilitation skills
  • Radio Sessions
  • Radio and Podcasting
  • Photography workshop
  • Music workshop
  • Drama workshop

The workshops will take place in the UK and be managed by Gecko Programmes in Wolverhampton. They will take place at Gecko’s HQ, the Newhampton Arts Centre and the studios of Wolverhampton Community Radio.

We are looking for:

motivated youth workers, teachers or facilitators with interest in non-formal learning, use of media/arts as learning tools and strong interest in implementing workshops in these themes

  • age: 18+, with Hungarian citizenship
  • secondary school or university (preferably humanities or social sciences, such as social work, pedagogy, sociology, psychology, communication, and all other related fields)
  • previous engagement and experience in work with young people is an advantage
  • English language skills: can use English as a working language (self-assessment, official certificate is not necessary!)
  • full availability of a candidate between 3rd and 24rd June
  • volunteering hours done by a candidate is an advantage

How to apply?

  • CV in Europass format (in English)
  • copy of valid passport (pages containing personal information) or identity card
  • motivation letter (max. 1 page) describing your motivation for participation in the training answering the following questions:
    • How is your background connected to non-formal education and/or media and arts? What do you hope to gain from the training event?
    • How/where will you apply and implement the workshop design your prepare on the training?
    • What are the expected outcomes you aim to reach out of this training event?
    • What could be your contribution to the training event?
    • Which channels could you use to disseminate the CYN project and your training experience?
  • advantage: portfolio of candidate’s previous youth related activities (links, photos, certificates, proof of volunteering work etc)
  • advantage: candidates who are currently working with youth groups and/or NEET young people

CV and motivation letter must be submitted in English, other documentation (passport, certificates etc.) in Hungarian. All documentation should be scanned and send by e-mail to contact@nyitottkor.hu with the subject: CYN training application.

Deadline for application: 30th March 2017.

More information:

Dates of training (3rd to 24th June 2017) are defined and final

Participation is free of charge (traveling, accommodation and subsistence costs are covered by the Erasmus+ grant)

The training is a series of different workshops and all candidates must attend all workshops, active participation is obligatory

After the training the participants need to apply their gained knowledge and conduct a workshop or a series of workshops in Hungary before March 2018.

Additional info about the training and application procedure can be requested at the from the project coordinator Zsófia Jozifek on contact@nyitottkor.hu or by phone: 0036305525207.

Workshop Plan

Group introduction

Delivered by Gecko this session will use ice breaking techniques to engage the group and facilitate group cohesion and discussion. It will also include developing an understanding of learning, how the facilitator’s role can be developed and the knowledge and skills requirement for the workshop sessions.Individual needs will be identified at this time including looking at development planning and the structure of tutorial support.

Drama workshops

There will be 5 drama workshops across the period. These will be managed by our association, the Open Circle. We work across a variety of artistic, cultural and educational projects specializing in developing a better understanding of using drama in community building and personality development. The aim will be to share skills that can be used by the course participants.

Radio Sessions

These will be delivered by Wolverhampton Community Radio and there will be opportunities to develop technical and broadcasting skills in the studio facilities in Wolverhampton.

Radio and Podcasting

This will be an active and engaging learning experience. Participants will produce radio broadcasts research ideas, conduct interviews and record present and edit their shows. The result can become a podcasting and put onto the website for world- wide play.

Music Workshop

Beatsabar is music project based in Wolverhampton helping largely disadvantaged and disenfranchised young people achieve their potential through music. The session will show how music can engage young people who may seemingly have no natural flair but can thrive in a musically creative environment. The session will involve workshop content and approaches as well as rehearsing and recording.

Photography workshop

In a world in which pictures are in everyone’s grasp through mobiles this session led by Asylum Galleries will explore how photography can enlighten lives, develop creativity and show how to make young people’s work available in displays and exhibitions.

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